Here are some stories about the work our volunteers have been doing with community organisations to help their efforts go further.

Personal touch helps deliver CAB Wellington’s first comms strategy
Despite its long history in the Wellington region, Citizens Advice Wellington has never had a communications strategy to support its wider organisational goals.
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All hands on deck for launch of marine preservation initiative
A new initiative designed to showcase the coastal marine environment was in desperate need of comms support to rally interest for its launch and events running over Wellington’s summer.
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Fresh comms headspace helps drive Headway forward
Auckland’s brain injury association, Headway, has been operating for more than 40 years, but it wasn’t meeting the needs of the brain injury community effectively – partly because few people knew it existed.
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Media marvel helps preserve the legacy of one of our greatest writers
Part of renowned New Zealand author Janet Frame’s story lies in 56 Eden Street, Oamaru – her childhood home. With the modest cottage currently a museum, the Janet Frame Eden Street Trust has big plans to transform the garage into an iconic visitor centre to celebrate Frame’s work – with the aim of beginning work in 2024, the centenary of Frame’s birth.
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Comms expertise helps new network for leavers of cult-like groups get off the runway
Former Exclusive Brethren member Lindy Jacobs was looking for some communications steer leading up to the launch of a formal support network for people like herself wanting to leave high-demand religious groups.
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Community Comms Collective gets a taste of its own medicine
As an organisation focused on delivering skilled volunteer support to community organisations, the Community Comms Collective has relished the opportunity to be at the receiving end of skilled volunteer support – gaining much needed expertise from Business Analyst Hannah Pearson-Coats.
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Local comms volunteer boosts efforts to restore nature to the heart of Tāmaki Makarau
Friends of Oakley Creek Te Auaunga are working hard to ensure the stream and its surrounds are protected and restored for future generations. A big part of that involves raising awareness of its value and potential and it’s why the Friends reached out to the Community Comms Collective to help guide their efforts.
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Online comms strategy gives shared voice to Kidz Need Dadz
Kidz Need Dadz was facing some organisational change challenges as it worked to bring its regional operations into a national charity. It reached out to the Community Comms Collective for support to develop an online communications strategy to guide their employees and volunteers across the country.
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Banded Rail goes from zero to hero in Bird of the Year campaign
Every year, the National Wetland Trust enters a wetland bird into Bird of the Year to raise awareness of the importance of wetland habitats. They approached the Community Comms Collective looking for a volunteer with social media expertise to help run their 2021 campaign.
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Becoming part of the Wellington HELP whanau
Wellington Sexual Abuse HELP approached the collective seeking a website usability assessment in June 2017. After this was successfully completed, HELP’s Chief Executive, Conor Twyford, asked for a volunteer to develop a communications plan.
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Taking Community Foundations on a journey
Community Foundations of New Zealand needed a volunteer to facilitate a workshop at its national conference, to explore themes members could collaborate on and develop shared key messages. Knowing we needed a very senior practitioner, we approached volunteer Fiona Cassidy.
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Parkinsons team media-ready
For NZ on On Air Communications Manager Allanah Kalafatelis, volunteering through the Community Comms Collective allows her to use her skills and experience to make a difference. “It’s rewarding to feel that I have helped in some small way. I’ve often wondered how I could ‘give back’ – this is the perfect solution. It’s a win-win for all involved.”
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Samaritans mentoring a win-win
Experienced communications consultant and coach Fiona Cassidy mentored Isabelle Grundy, Communications Advisor at the Samaritans of Wellington.
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